Unit ID Unit Name Program(s)
G311 Telling Time - Hours, Minutes, and Seconds 1. Analog Clock
2. Digital Clock
G312 2-Digit Addition and Subtraction Practice 2-Digit Addition and Subtraction
G313 Measurements Practice Unit Conversion
G314 Vertical Addition and Subtraction 1. Vertical Addition
2. Vertical Subtraction
G315 Multiplication Word Problems Practice Multiplication Word Problems
G316 Short Multiplication Short Multiplication
G317 Rectangles and Squares Create Rectangle Class
G318 Understanding Fractions Practice Comparing Fractions
G319 Sets Set Operations
G321 Orientations Practice Identifying Orientations
G322 Short Division Short Division
G323 Tables Creating and Displaying Tables
G324 2-Digit Long Multiplication Long Multiplication 1
G325 Area Improve Rectangle Class - Calculate Area and Draw Rectangles
G326 Years, Months, and Days Display Calendar
G327 Understanding Decimals 1. Decimal Practice 1
2. Visualization of Decimals
G328 Combinations Three Common Counting Problems
G411 Working with Large Numbers Read Out Any Natural Number
G412 Large Area Units Practice Area Unit Conversion
G413 Measuring Angles Draw Clock Dial
G414 3-Digit Long Multiplication Long Multiplication 2
G415 Parallelograms and Trapezoids Counting Trapezoids
G416 Long Division Long Division
G417 Bar Charts 1. Creating Bar Charts Using Matplotlib
2. Creating Subclass of Table Class to Draw Bar Charts
G418 Optimization Counting Game
G421 Order of Operations Evaluate Arithmetic Expressions
G422 Observing Objects Three Views of Cubes
G423 Basic Laws of Operation Solve 24
G424 Meaning and Properties of Decimals Decimal Practice 2
G425 Triangles 1. Draw Isosceles Triangles
2. Draw Regular Polygons
G426 Addition and Subtraction of Decimals Addition and Subtraction of Decimals in Vertical Form
G427 Reflective Symmetry Generate Reflective Symmetric Shapes
G428 Mean Value and Grouped Bar Charts Mean Value and Grouped Bar Charts
G429 Chicken and Rabbit Problem Chicken and Rabbit Problem
G511 Decimal Multiplication Long Multiplication of Decimals
G512 Position 1. Input Coordinates Based on Positions
2. Click on Positions Based on Coordinates
G513 Decimal Division 1. Long Division of Decimals
2. Practice Converting Common Fractions to Decimals
G514 Probability 1. Random Selection with Weights
2. Sum of Two Dice Rolls
G515 Simple Equations Solving Chicken and Rabbit Problem Using Equations
G516 Area of Polygons Polygon Classes with Area Properties
G517 Tree Planting Problem Tree Planting Problem
G521 Observing Objects 2 Three Views of Cubes v2
G522 Factors and Multiples 1. Get Prime Numbers
2. Goldbach Conjecture
G523 Cuboids and Cubes 1. Cuboid Class with Unit Property
2. Practice Volume Unit Conversion
G524 Meaning and Properties of Fractions 1. Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple
2. Convert Decimal to Simplest Fraction
G525 Rotation Rotation
G526 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
G527 Line Charts Improve Data Class to Draw Multi-Line Charts
G528 Identify the Outlier Identify the Outlier